Getting Started

Baseweb is hosted on PyPi, so…

$ pip install baseweb

Minimal Survival Commands

To actually run baseweb you need additionally a web server, like gunicorn, optionally with async support, e.g. using eventlet.

$ pip install gunicorn eventlet

Now you can start a stock baseweb using:

$ gunicorn -k eventlet -w 1 baseweb:server

And when you visit http://localhost:8000 you will get…

baseweb stock

Which is an empty baseweb, serving a (non-existing) application from your current folder (in my case called Workspace). This is the baseweb frame in which your pages can be injected.

A little more…

To quickly add a little more, clone the baseweb-demo repository and give that a spin…

% git clone
% pip install oatk
% gunicorn -k eventlet -w 1 baseweb-demo:server

Now visit http://localhost:8000 again, enter your name and press a few buttons to see the demo app in action, presenting some of the standard features offered by baseweb.

baseweb demo

Finally inspect the baseweb-demo/ folder to see how to build the application or read on for a step by step walk through of building your first baseweb app.

Pro-Tip: you can always clone/fork the baseweb-demo repository to start a new baseweb application ;-)